Collection: Dirty Down

Dirty Down paints are a line of weathering effects paints designed to create realistic rust, moss, and verdigris effects on models and props. They are highly regarded for their ease of use, high-quality finish, and versatility, making them popular among hobbyists, model builders, and professionals in the film and theater industries.

The Dirty Down range includes several products:

  • Rust Effect Paint: Creates a realistic rust appearance on surfaces, available in both yellow and standard rust colors.
  • Moss Effect Paint: Simulates the look of natural moss growth.
  • Verdigris Effect Paint: Mimics the patina that forms on aged copper and bronze.

These paints are water-soluble, which allows for easy adjustment of the effects. For instance, you can tone back the effect by simply using water. This feature is particularly useful for achieving a desired level of weathering without committing to the initial application.

Dirty Down products are praised for their simplicity, allowing users to achieve complex, realistic weathering effects without needing multiple layers or additional pigments. This makes them a favorite for quickly adding detail and authenticity to models and props.

For best results, it is recommended to seal the effects with a matt varnish.